Fasting and Ketosis

Fasting and ketosis-can you get into ketosis by fasting?

Ketosis is a state reached when the body is deprived of carbs-the body's main source of energy- for some time. When this happens, the body is forced to depend on another source of energy; stored fat. The unused fat that has been stored in the body is thus broken down into compounds known as ketones, and these ketones are then used for providing the body with energy. As soon as the body starts depending on fat rather than carbs for energy, ketosis has been reached.

Of course, there are many ways of reaching ketosis, of which the most common is by having a low-carb, high-fat routine. Reducing carb intake and replacing it with a high fat intake can propel your body to start depending on the fat for its energy. But there is another quite simple way: fasting.

Yes, fasting can get you into ketosis. It goes without saying, or you can look at it in this crude way. The body is deprived of all kinds of nutrition (including carbs) for a period of time. It is then forced into generating energy by burning whatever stored fat it can find. But as simple as this may seem, it has to be done correctly to derive the best benefit and not cause health complications to self.

 What is fasting? 

Simply put, fasting is willingly abstaining from food. Fasting is an ancient religious practice but has today become even more of a dietary practice than a religious one. There are different types of fasting, and for ketosis, not all are recommended.

The most popular forms of health-inclined fasting include:

Dry fasting: Abstaining completely from food and water for some hours or a day.

Water fasting: This involves consuming only non-caloric liquids for 8-72 hours.

Partial fasting: This allows you to consume only certain regulated foods.

 Intermittent fasting: This is the most popular recommended fasting for ketosis, and involves abstaining from food for a period of time in between feeding schedules (called a feeding window). You fast, and then eat, fast and eat again.

 The purpose of fasting is to reduce calorie consumption, and this is what a keto-diet does as well. By reducing calorie consumption, fasting provides many benefits, including fast weight loss, cardiovascular health, mental acuity, etc.

 How does fasting get you into ketosis? 

When you fast, the body is deprived of glucose and so blood sugar levels and insulin drop considerably. The absence of glucose forces the body to burn fat for energy. Hormones such as glucagon and adrenaline are released to stimulate the breakdown of triglycerides stored as fat tissue (hence the weight loss). These triglycerides then move to your liver and are converted into energy and ketones. When your ketone level reaches up to 7-8mmol/L, you are said to have reached ketosis.

Keto diet also operates in a like manner. In keto, carb intake is reduced, thus causing drops in blood sugar level. But the difference between keto and fasting is that while fasting depends on the stored fats, keto depends on high fat intake. Thus, fasting may lead to faster weight loss since you're burning your stored fat. But if you're combining with keto, ensure the keto is of a low-calorie count.

 How long does it take to go into ketosis through fasting? 

It takes between 1-3 days for your body to reach ketosis when you fast. This is very similar to the time taken when on a keto diet. But this doesn't mean you are to stay without food and water for up to 3 days. In fact, most keto dieters combine fasting with keto-diet, and this has been seen to help reach ketosis even faster. The time frame for both is on average, 17-48 hours.

 Combining intermittent fasting and keto Fasting alongside a ketogenic diet has been found to not only reduce the time to reach ketosis, but also boost the diet's efficiency, offer more benefits, and reduces the risks of health complications including electrolyte imbalances and hypoglycemia. The most popular type of fasting recommended for ketosis is intermittent fasting (IF), and this derives from its simplicity and convenience. Combining it with a keto-diet, the time taken to reach ketosis can be shortened by up to 24 hours. This is very helpful since the earlier you enter ketosis, the earlier you begin to enjoy the benefits like weight loss, etc.

 While combining IF with keto, there are several options for you and so you have to choose which is most convenient for you. The options include:

Skipping meals-- This option allows you to can skip one or two meals every day, but not all. If you go to work early, skipping breakfast would be most convenient.

24-hour fast-- This is a full-day fast where you pick out a particular day of the week to abstain from food. Ensure you keep to your routine, and drink electrolyte-rich liquids during your fasting-day to avoid dehydration.

Time-restricted fasting-- This is what most people know intermittent fasting for. In this fast, you choose a certain number of hours to fast, and a certain number of hours to eat each day. These limited durations are referred to as fasting-and-eating windows (a window could be 16/8, 5:2, etc.). During your eating window, you can eat as many meals as you can.

Whatever duration you select as your fasting and eating windows, ensure it is convenient so you can always stick to it. Sticking to a routine is what guarantees you of the several health benefits of keto and fasting.

 Benefits of fasting 

 Greater weight loss 

Fasting offers several benefits, such as reducing calorie levels for weight loss. But a 2016 report established the fact that fasting offers greater weight loss than even very-low-calorie diets. Fasting is also much easier than follow.

 Diabetes control

 Fasting reduces blood sugar levels, thus balancing insulin production. These are important in controlling diabetes.

 Preserving muscle strength 

Most people lose muscle mass and strength when they age, but fasting has been found to prevent this through a biological process called autophagy.

 Cancer prevention 

By replacing old/damaged cells with new ones through autophagy, cancer can be prevented. As have been said, fasting promotes autophagy.

 Preventing heart disease 

Getting rid of fat and avoiding certain foods is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Fasting also reduces the risks of inflammation.

 Mental soundness 

Production of ketones helps the brain to stay alert and sharp.

 Bottom line 

Fasting can get you into ketosis just like keto. Even more preferable, it is better to combine fasting with keto as this shortens the time of reaching ketosis, and also offers more benefits than having keto alone. However, care should be taken while fasting to avoid health complications like dehydration, hypoglycemia, and low blood pressure. Avoid water fasts, and dry fasts in ketosis as these may lead to the complications mentioned above. Diabetic patients should also be wary of staying without food for long hours. To yield the best of ketosis, combining intermittent fasting with a low-calorie based keto diet is recommended.
